Change log
Description of versions of IMC software system

IMC releases
- Added support for opening the passport of the KhalifaSat.
- Added support for additional passport parameters of the KA GF-1.
- Added variables to image quality evaluation module.
- Updated algorithm of calculating noise characteristics.
- The algorithm for combining multispectral images with preservation of transparency channel has been improved.
- The interface of the image quality assessment module has been improved.
- The algorithm for building buffer zones has been improved.
- The module for evaluating the quality of images in the LRM calculation has been updated.
- The layer panel control module has been upgraded.
- The layer displacement algorithm has been improved.
- The automation module for operations has been upgraded.
- An error of images channels copying has been fixed.
- A memory leak has been fixed.
- An error of color channel reset after changing the color model has been fixed.
- An error of cutting area with transparency channel has been fixed.
- Other critical errors have been fixed.
- Added support for opening the passport of the Resurs-P No 4 device.
- Added support for images in the blueprint projection for calculating linear resolution on the ground.
- Added functionality for working with MERCI-2 spacecraft channels.
- The functionality of working with program variables has been expanded.
- Added the ability to transform the image by internal geolocation points.
- The topology verification tool and interface have been updated.
- The functionality for calculating noise characteristics has been improved.
- The functionality of the Table element has been improved when generating the report.
- The interface of the image quality assessment module has been improved.
- Improved the algorithm for forming a transparency channel when copying an image area.
- Updated the calculation functionality for modeling the spread of fires.
- The interface of the Modis layer reader module has been improved.
- The TIFF file reader module has been improved.
- The macro execution module has been improved.
- Improved image classification algorithm by fuzzy classification method.
- Fixed a bug in the document size calculation algorithm.
- Fixed a bug in the primary material processing module of the Canopus-V spacecraft.
- Fixed image flickering when working with MERCI-2 spacecraft materials.
- Fixed an error checking valid pointers in the buffer zone calculation module.
- Fixed an error in the XML file reader module.
- Fixed a bug in the vector object splitting algorithm.
- The error of the process progress indicator has been fixed.
- Fixed an error in determining the minimum and maximum pixel values in the area when calculating the histogram.
- Fixed an error in the formation of the report layer.
- Fixed an error when displaying the anchor point layer.
- Fixed critical errors that could lead to the crash of the program.
- Added "pixel type" column in the mosaic tool.
- Added command line parameters for the image quality assessment module.
- Added functionality to transform images by existing RPC coefficients or anchor points in the file for macro mode.
- Added new functions to the variables panel.
- Added functionality of calculating linear resolution on the terrain for images without georeferencing.
- Added parameters to the image resize function.
- Added new messages to the program log file.
- Added possibility of mosaic stitching in case the image has negative pixel values.
- Improved image copying tool.
- Expanded functionality of reading spacecraft passports: Resurs-P level 1A, Kanopus-V.
- The geocoding algorithm has been updated.
- The module for reading Kondor-FKA spacecraft passports has been improved.
- The output report form in the quality assessment module was improved.
- The interface for visualizing anchor points has been improved.
- Improved functionality of reading HDF files.
- Improved algorithm for calculating linear resolution on the terrain for images.
- Fixed a bug in the range selection algorithm.
- Fixed an error in image contour selection.
- Fixed bug in macro function of changing image properties.
- Fixed a bug in reading Datum parameters.
- Fixed bug in checking for voids in polygons in the topology check module.
- Fixed an error of vector layer shifting.
- Fixed bug when moving macro tree elements in the operations panel causing program crash.
- Fixed incorrect identifier in the operations panel.
- Fixed a bug in the vector calculator.
- Fixed critical errors that could lead to program crash.
- Added support for reading passports and downloading data from satellites: Gaofen-1, Jilin-1, SBERS-4, ResourseSat-2A, ZY3, FY-3D, MERSI-2.
- Added a tool for splitting vector objects of type: complex point into simple points.
- Added new type of variables in macros operation.
- Added possibility of working of the program complex on two monitors.
- In the module of quality assessment added the possibility to write to the macro the action: "Save data to the points file".
- Added the action of enabling/disabling layer visibility to the macro record.
- Added algorithm of thermal points search using data from MERSI-2, FY-3D satellites.
- Added automatic detection and support of 1251 encoding of vector objects table rows.
- Added support of polar stereographic projection.
- Added support for 64 bit size pixel in TIFF format.
- Updated algorithm for copying image area by marker with edge smoothing.
- Improved algorithm of geotransformation of mark layers.
- Optimized algorithm for reading and saving PNG files.
- Improved algorithm for calculating image resolution.
- Algorithm of image geometric accuracy was improved.
- Improved module for reading meteorological data online from web services.
- Improved the algorithm of mosaic construction in terms of performance improvement.
- Improved the algorithm of mark construction by color range.
- Improved algorithm for restoring missing lines in an image.
- Improved algorithm for finding sharp edges in the image.
- Improved accuracy of image geotransformation by RPC-coefficients using elevation file.
- Improved algorithm for calculating image noise characteristics.
- Fixed row recoding error in vector object attribute table.
- Fixed error of UTF-8 conversion of vector files of SHP format.
- Fixed an error in the channel information dialog.
- Fixed an error of document closing in macro operation.
- Fixed an error in the composite image building module if channel names exceed 128 characters.
- Fixed the error of renaming report saving action during macro execution.
- Fixed an error when creating a directory in the Radar Radiometry Correction module.
- Fixed an error in the behavior of the color selection tool.
- Fixed an error in the spectrogram slice creation module when working with multispectral and hyperspectral data.
- Fixed critical errors that could lead to program crash.
- Added function of automatic placement of points on specified image areas in the georeferencing module by points.
- Added algorithm of projection check and recalculation of pixel size on the sphere.
- Added an algorithm for drawing internal stitching lines when forming a mosaic.
- Updated data processing algorithms for Kanopus-V satellite.
- The module for reading data passport from Kondor-FKA satellite has been updated.
- The algorithm for checking the correctness of the geographic coordinate system in the data from Kanopus-V satellite has been updated.
- The module for converting image pixel brightness values into physical quantities has been updated.
- The module of automatic execution of macros has been improved.
- The module of opening data on Kondor-FKA spacecraft passport has been improved.
- The algorithm and interface for adding reference points in the georeferencing module have been improved.
- Color visualization of georeferencing points has been improved.
- The mechanism of memory allocation for highly loaded and resource-intensive operations has been improved.
- Improved report generation module.
- Fixed data locking error during parallel calculations.
- Fixed a bug in the mark inversion function.
- Fixed a bug in the module for finding sharp edges in an image.
- Fixed critical errors that could cause the program to crash.
- Added module of work with meteoeye service of receiving operational data on thermal points.
- Added the ability to enter information about the geographic coordinate system into reports.
- Added new fields and sources for downloading meteorological data in Grib format.
- Added new functions for creating folders when working in macro mode.
- Added macro mode support in the image orthotransformation function.
- Added data processing algorithms for LandSat-9 satellite.
- The module for reading data from Kondor-FKA satellite has been updated.
- The module of recalculation of data received from Kanopus-V into physical quantities has been updated.
- The LandSat-8 satellite passport data opening module has been improved.
- The module for saving raster data in TIFF format with JPG compression has been improved.
- The functionality of generating and saving reports has been improved.
- The algorithm of working with relative paths in the macro was improved.
- Modules for loading of RS data passports of visible and radar ranges have been improved.
- The function of mutual binding of images has been improved.
- Fixed a bug in the quality assessment module, vector objects.
- Fixed bug in report saving function.
- Fixed bug in the function of adding images.
- Fixed bug in selecting rasters when specifying mutual position of routes.
- Fixed error of image cutting by border.
- Fixed critical errors that could lead to program crash.
- Updated the "Range Selection" algorithm on the image.
- Improved mechanism for closing the program in case of refusal to save all windows without changes (previously, confirmation of refusal to save each document was required).
- Updated histogram function in detail mode when working with color channels of different pixel types and ranges.
- Updated vector attributes column update function for data saved in arguments.
- Functionality of saving numerical data of (10,2) format in the vector layers attributes table has been improved.
- Updated the functionality of the quality assessment module in the operator mode and when called via macro.
- Improved module for forming seamless coverage (mosaic) when stitching fragments of routes of complex shape.
- Improved module for saving raster data to PNG format using transparency channel.
- The functionality of generating and saving reports has been improved.
- Optimized functionality of data reading and processing, including orbit information for TerraSAR-X/TanDEM satellites.
- The functionality of working with SAR data was improved.
- The mechanism of saving user layers to IMF format has been improved.
- Improved algorithm of working with variables in macro.
- Optimized algorithm of updating the list of layers after sampling when using SQL query.
- The mechanism of waiting for processing threads completion has been improved.
- Modules for loading passports of given remote sensing data of visible and radar ranges have been improved.
- Optimized algorithm accelerating export of vector data to GEOJSON.
- Added the ability to delete selected channels in the Color Channels panel.
- Expanded mosaic stitching functionality with the ability to add contours as complex polygons.
- Added the function of reading, interpretation and visualization of level 2B data received from GoSAT satellites.
- Added module for reading and supporting data from Kondor-FKA satellite.
- Added new classes and methods to the API of the program to create external modules.
- Added support for local coordinate systems MSC.
- Added notifications for the operator when working with document windows.
- Added new functionality to the raster data comparison algorithm.
- Expanded functionality of the image quality assessment module.
- Added possibility to record the action of deleting separate vector objects into a macro.
- Added new manuals for working with IMC PC.
- Fixed loss of geographic projection for vector objects selected with SQL query.
- Fixed error of reading TIFF file written using JPEG 2000 compression.
- Fixed an error of converting a string written in Unicode in the GEOJSON module.
- Fixed error of range selection dialog not closing.
- Fixed an error of writing an action to a Macro if the action was canceled.
- Fixed an error when calling some SQL queries (WHERE) in macro mode.
- Fixed an error in the page name in the vector attributes table when executing a SQL query.
- Fixed an error of accessing a document that already has a closed view window.
- Fixed the error of blocking a document in the quality assessment module.
- Fixed possible program hang when pressing the "Cancel" button.
- Fixed adding a data source for a report and legend in macro mode.
- Fixed bug in spatial query function for vector data.
- Fixed a bug in the color series function.
- Fixed critical bugs that could lead to program crash.
- The module of continuous seamless coverage (mosaic) formation has been updated.
- The module of image cataloging has been improved and the interface has been changed.
- Redesigned module for reading and saving JPEG 2000 files.
- Updated topology check module for vector objects.
- Functionality of vector layer operation has been updated.
- Improved algorithm for mosaic stitching and cut line construction on complex shape routes when edge trimming is used.
- Improved module of automatic selection of image corners, including taking into account transparency channel.
- The algorithm of memory handling in the program kernel has been improved to provide better performance and safety of multithreaded operations.
- The module of mathematical calculations in the core of the program complex has been improved.
- The functionality of the vector calculator has been improved.
- Algorithm for merging raster layers with different pixel types was improved.
- The module of image transforming has been improved.
- Added compression support when saving *.TIFF files (JPEG, LZW, DEFLATE), and expanded the list of supported compression types when reading.
- The functionality of opening passports and georeferencing of images from "Gaofen" series optoelectronic devices has been improved and extended.
- Functionality of calculating RPC-coefficients for constant, including 0-th height, with the possibility of saving it in a separate file.
- Added new classes and methods to the API of the program for creating external modules.
- Fixed errors when generating a report in the Legend object.
- Fixed an error in the module of processing materials from radar satellites.
- Fixed errors in operation process indicator.
- Fixed critical bugs that could lead to program crash.
- Redesigned the geo-measurement module in terms of functionality and interface.
- The module for executing automated processing algorithms has been updated.
- Improved algorithm of mosaic stitching and cut line construction on long distance routes.
- The interface has been redesigned and the panel for working with document layers and forming groups has been improved.
- Modules for working with external data sources have been improved in order to increase the speed and the possibility of adding and editing them via parameters
- Improved performance of the logging module, added new messages.
- Improved the work of the program with computer memory for its most efficient use.
- Improved overall performance of the program and increased its reliability.
- Added new parameters to the IMF file format to reduce file size when saving survey routes and improve performance.
- Added functions for reading and writing SHP format files during multithreaded processing.
- Developed new multithreaded functions for spatial operations with polygons, which increased processing speed.
- New methods for working with vector objects were added.
- Added variable handling in the fire monitoring and modeling module, allowing to run one IMC macro for different modeling modes.
- New attribute types were added and new methods for reading and writing them were created.
- Developed algorithm and included functions of cloud shadows construction and vectorization.
- Added possibility to customize IMC interface and splash screen by user to his/her preferences.
- Added support for GEOJSON format.
- Added new classes and methods to the program API for creating external modules.
- Fixed bugs in the algorithm for building a cut line on complex shape routes and arbitrary slicing fragments in the mosaic building module.
- Fixed errors in the algorithm of complex regions construction.
- Fixed errors in reading MIF/MID files containing Cyrillic characters.
- Fixed errors in working with memory in the program.
- Updated the functionality and interface of the table for creating and rebuilding vector object attributes.
- Updated the function of degree and rectangular grid display for different display modes.
- The module of vector and raster data slicing by degree and nomenclature grid has been updated with the possibility to select different coordinate systems and ellipsoids.
- The functionality of reading and processing radar data of space imagery has been updated.
- The interface of many modules has been changed.
- Improved algorithm of mosaic stitching and cut line construction on long distance routes.
- Increased speed of work with large size files (more than 10 GB) of IMG format. Increase in speed of work with data in IMG format can reach from 3 to 10 times.
- Algorithm is improved and the interface of functionality of stitching and obtaining transformed images of routes from Kanopus-V and BKA satellites is improved, which allows to increase accuracy of internal geometry of the route and georeferencing by reference points.
- The mechanism of simultaneous display of a group of overlapping layers on the screen was improved in order to speed up their redrawing.
- The module for generating output graphical reports for multiscale data has been redesigned.
- Improved the algorithm of intersection of vector polygons with a large number of nodes to improve the accuracy of the result and speed of processing.
- Added new functionality for algorithms for automatic data processing and their run-to-run execution, allowing to expand the possibilities of building complex algorithms.
- The functionality of the class of graphs construction, their management and display modes has been added.
- Added functions for saving and synchronizing various data to files during multithreaded processing.
- Functions for reading passports of images from different satellites, with different sets of spectral channels.
- Fixed synchronization mechanisms for multithreaded processing in the layers and their properties panels.
- Fixed an error in closing documents when generating a report.
- Fixed an error in the functions of smoothing and generalization of polygons and lines by Douglas-Pecker algorithm.
- The mosaic stitching module has been updated. New block equalization algorithm is used in the updated version.
- Algorithm for finding connecting points on panchromatic and spectral channels has been updated. The new functionality allows to confidently find connecting points, including on remote sensing materials containing IR channels.
- The module of fire monitoring and modeling of fire spreading zones was updated.
- The module for monitoring and modeling of waterlogging zones has been updated.
- The module of batch data processing has been updated. Changes allow flexible use of the visualization function, document closure, as well as the use of relative paths.
- The algorithm for calculating noise characteristics of images was improved. The changes improved the stability and quality of calculation when setting various parameters.
- Доработан алгоритм и интерфейс модуля оценки качества снимков при расчете линейного разрешения на местности. Изменения позволяют сократить в два-три раза время на проведение измерений.
- Улучшено чтение паспортов снимков с различных КА, в том числе при автоматической обработке.
- Улучшены и доработаны функции трансформации и перепроецирования изображений и пространственных данных.
- Уточнен рассчет реверсных RPC преобразований.
- Улучшен механизм синхронизации процессов при многопоточной обработке разнородных данных.
- Developed new functionality for working with user variables in automated data processing algorithms. This mechanism allows users to create their own variables in the settings of paths and some actions when working out automated algorithms.
- New parameters set through the command line, as well as the ability to work with user variables have been added.
- Added modes of running macros in debugging mode and in interface mode. This functionality increases speed and convenience when creating, debugging and correcting algorithms of automatic processing (macros).
- New algorithms for raster data transformation have been added.
- A new algorithm was added and the interface of stitching functionality and obtaining
transformed images of routes from Kanopus-V and BKA satellites was finalized. The new
algorithm allows to improve color synthesis and to reach the accuracy of georeferencing
better than 1 meter when setting the area and up to 5 meters for the whole route on several
reference points. As input data can be used:
- groups of microframes without radiometric correction as a folder with microframe files in TIFF format and metadata with RPC coefficients in XML format;
- raw data files in taf, rsm, and single and dual channel formats;
- Function to read text data from vector formats.
- Fixed incorrect formation of preview object in loop recreate modes.
- Fixed errors in modules related to non-release of system resources.
- Fixed an error when merging raster layers.
- Fixed errors in filling tables when generating a report.
- Function for obtaining meteorological data. New sources have been added, and it is now possible to customize in detail the acquisition of necessary meteorological data.
- Channel calculator has been updated. Logical operations can now be used when working with raster images.
- The speed of report generation has been significantly increased. Now the execution time of report creation takes less than a minute.
- Scaling of vector layer signatures has been improved. Now all signatures are displayed correctly both with the signature scaling function enabled and without it.
- The stability and speed of the "Snap Refinement" tool has been improved. Now complex images are processed correctly. This function is especially important when combining spectral channels from different spacecraft.
- General improvements in performance and stability of the program complex have been made.
- Image equalization function. This function allows to equalize brightness characteristics of spectral channels. It is the first step in detailed image analysis.
- The Image Media Center PC was supplemented with an improved algorithm for processing materials from the Terra / Aqua spacecraft (MODIS), which increases the processing speed and reliability of the result.
- The "Color Series" function has been corrected when working with images containing more than 3 spectral channels.