Innovative Center at the XI All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Actual Problems of Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Technologies"
15 June 2023

On June 7 was held the XI All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Actual Problems of Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Technologies", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.I. Gusev.
The meeting discussed the issues of building multi-satellite orbital remote sensing groups, solutions for the creation of onboard equipment and the development of ground-based remote sensing infrastructure, technological and user remote sensing services, from system-wide and overview reports to applied solutions and services.
28 reports were presented at the conference in 8 sections. Innovative Center took part in two of them, presenting work: "Using extended indexes to solve thematic problems in the Russian Image Media Center software", where the main range of capabilities of the software was presented on the example of water monitoring tasks: the process of calculating water indices for Canopus-V in the IMC geoinformation system and automation processing of the Remote sensing of the Earth.
As well as a report on the topic: "Creation of remote sensing materials processing and information delivery services based on the Image Media Center software", which showed the principle of operation of the spatial data processing service, which allows to carry out all the necessary transformations in automatic mode and in a single system.