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Innovative Center at the VIII Belarusian Space Congress

28 October 2022

Innovative Center at the VIII Belarusian Space Congress
CLNG: ru-RU event-en

Innovative Center took part in the VIII Belarusian Space Congress, which was organized by By the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The event was held from October 25-27, 2022.


The company made a presentation on «The technology of automatic (automated) processing of remote sensing materials using the Image Media Center software package».


Also, representatives of the A. A. Maksimov Scientific Research Institute of Space Systems made a report «Problematic issues of automation of remote sensing data processing processes» in which they talked about software solutions that were developed jointly with our company.


The main objectives of the Congress:

  • Discussion of new achievements in the space field, identification of priority areas for the development of space activities.
  • Strengthening international cooperation in the field of space research and the peaceful uses of outer space.
  • Expanding joint efforts of Belarusian and foreign business circles, firms, companies, scientists and specialists aimed at implementing space programs and projects, analyzing the progress of their implementation and choosing promising areas for further research.
  • Development of partnership between government and public organizations, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership for the use of space facilities and technologies in the interests of various sectors of the economy.


Topics of the Сongress:

  • Innovative programs, projects and technologies in the rocket and space industry. The use of the results of space activities in the interests of various sectors of the economy.
  • Spacecraft, target and scientific equipment. Navigation and time support systems, satellite communications and broadcasting.
  • Means, technologies and methods of processing and displaying Earth remote sensing data, geoservices based on them. Artificial intelligence in space technologies.
  • Technologies of education and training for the space industry.
  • Thermophysical aspects of practical cosmonautics, promising materials, elements and devices for space technology.