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A event
RP event
SL ru-RU
PL ru-RU

IX All-Russian scientific and technical conference

28 May 2018

IX All-Russian scientific and technical conference
CLNG: ru-RU event-en

Innovation center company will take a part in the IX All-Russian scientific and technical conference “Actual problems of space-rocket instrument making and information technologies” wich will take place on 5-7 june 2018 in moscow

Within the conference the following sections will work:

    Section 1. Navigation space systems and technologies

    Section 2. Systems and technologies of remote sensing of Earth and satellite monitoring

    Section 3. Land complexes of management and system

    Section 4. Onboard radio engineering devices and complexes

    Section 5. Space communication systems and relayings. Information technologies and systems

    Section 6. Systems for space researches. Microtechnologies in space

    Section 7. Perspective technologies of creation of microelectronic modules for the RKT equipment

    Section 8. Information technologies and systems. Digital enterprise